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Custom Search

30 أكتوبر 2013

Senior Logistics AnalystPlanner APS5


Minimum Requirements

This is a contingent position for a potential contract in Kuwait

Bachelors degree in engineering logistics management business or related field or a minimum off eight years of related experience. Experience in Logistics management and APS projects including some field experience required with 2 years preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills required. Organizational skills and ability to perform detailoriented work under adverse conditions are required. Excellent analytical and problem solving skills utilizing MS Project PowerPoint Access and MS Excel are required. Must also pass a preemployment criminal background check and drug screen. Position requires the ability to pass and maintain a Security Clearance.

Work Environment Physical Demands and Mental Demands

Stress physical hardships and possible field living conditions associated with this position within a desert camp complex. Ability to function during an extended assignment at a foreign incountry facility exposed to seasonal temperature extremes. Ability to cope with shared cafeteria bath and sleeping quarters. Must be able to walk kneel bend and stoop and have correctable vision. Only those willing to work and live under these conditions should apply.

Other Responsibilities

Safety URS enforces a safety culture whereby all employees have the responsibility for continuously developing and maintaining a safe work environment. As appropriate each employee is responsible for completing all training requirements and fulfilling all selfaidbuddy aid responsibilities participating in emergency response tasks and serving on safety committees and teams.

Quality Quality is the foundation for the management of our business and the keystone to our goal of customer satisfaction. It is our policy to consistently provide services that meet customer expectations. Accordingly each employee must conform to the URS Quality Policy and carry out job activities in compliance with applicable URS Quality System documents and customer contracts. Each employee must read and understand hisher Quality Management and Customer Satisfaction responsibilities.

Procedure Compliance Each employee must read understand and implement the general and specific operational safety quality and environmental requirements of all plans procedures and policies pertaining to hisher job.

Job Description

Essential Responsibilities

The Senior Logistics Analyst is responsible for providing Program Senior Management with analytical analysis on government requirements Taskers reports derived from mission performance maintenance activates supply chain processes product delivery distribution transportation warehouse functions and retrograde activities. Identify and recommend changes to improve logistical efficiency to Senior Management. Manage multiple takers from government and URS Management affectively and decisively without any disruption in overall performance of APS5 mission.

bull Develop accurate timely and realistic project plans using Microsoft Project.

bull Track progress versus plan in order to complete requirement on time.

bull Identify potential scheduling issues early in the process.

bull Proactive developments of contingency planscreative solutions to ensure projects are completed on time.

bull Incorporate lessons learned future plans.

bull Establish working relationship with government customer

bull Analyze requests from the field for validity and measure effectiveness against Standard Operating Procedures.

bull Meet with appropriate cross functional team members to determine if field requests fulfill corporate goals.

bull Meet established deadlines

bull Analyze change requests from all field sites for validity and measure effectiveness against Standard Operating Procedures

bull Excellent analytical and problem solving skills utilizing MS Project. PowerPoint Access and MS Excel

bull Strong interpersonal verbal and written communication skills

bull Working in a team environment with minimal supervision.

bull Perform all more...


via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/airlines/003350896.html

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