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28 فبراير 2014

NDT Inspector


1.1 Area of competence

Quality Control and Assessment team of the Alstom Power Service Arabia FZE Gas Turbine Reconditioning Department

1.2 Goal of the function

q Execution of visual assessments on gas turbine components

q Execution of quality inspections on gas turbine components

1.3 Responsibility and tasks

q Execution of NDT for the production orders

q Preparationconfirmation of the required quality documentation

q Reporting of used production time per production step

q Carrying out of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance

q Keeping the working environment and machines in a clean and proper condition

q Following Environmental Health and Safety regulations


q Independently carry out all required inspections and assessment during the reconditioning process.


3.1 Superior Function

q Manager Quality Control and Assessments of the Gas Turbine Reconditioning Department

3.2 Parallel Positions

q NDT Inspectors

q Operators in Production

q Grinding Specialists in Production

q Welding Specialists in Production

3.3 Subordinated Functions

q None

3.4 Interfaces

q Al more...


via http://ift.tt/1eJmSHT

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