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Custom Search

30 أكتوبر 2013

Support Equipment Technician C


This position is for a Support Equipment Technician to coordinate the maintenance and calibration of Kuwait Air Force KAF C17 Support Equipment SE and Aerospace Ground Equipment AGE in support of C17 Field Services based at AlMubarak Air Base in Kuwait City and will require relocation to Kuwait. Preform SE maintenance modifications calibration proof load test and repairs per established customer regulatory and company requirements. Candidates must be US citizens prepared for a multiyear assignment international long term assignment move assistance to Kuwait will be provided. Maintains equipment and systems by removing replacing repairing or upgrading components. Troubleshoots problems to isolate faulty components. Conducts complex functional tests by operating equipment and using appropriate test equipment. Performs a variety of inspections as required by equipment maintenance documents. Documents maintenance and inspection actions as required. Trains and resolves problems for less experienced technicians. Works under general direction.




Understands changes in own and others' work and situations may be asked to explain the logic or basis for change to less experienced employees actively seeks information about changes affecting own and fellow employees' jobs. Treats changes and new situations as opportunities for learning or growth focuses on the beneficial aspects of change speaks positively about the change to fellow interorganizational employees and occasionally to external customers. Quickly modifies behavior to deal effectively with changes in the work environment readily tries new approaches appropriate for new or changed situations does not persist with ineffective behaviors.


Clarifies purpose and importance stresses major points follows a logical sequence. Keeps the audience engaged through use of techniques such as analogies illustrations humor an appealing style body language and voice inflection. Frames the message in line with audience experience background and expectations uses terms examples and analogies that are meaningful to the audience. Seeks input from audience checks understanding presents message in different ways to enhance understanding. Uses syntax pace volume diction and mechanics appropriate to the media being used. Accurately interprets messages from others and responds appropriately.


General Shop Processes

Complete knowledge of shop processes to include Foreign Object DamageDebris FOD prevention material handling safety calibration requirements and Electrostatic Discharge ESD.


Comprehensive ability to use various hand power driven and specialty tools.


The complete ability to use established physical mechanical or scientific principles and perform appropriate tests to identify and solve problems encountered on the job. This includes the ability to locate and isolate the problem identify possible solutions and select approaches that are practical and effective.

Basic Qualifications For Consideration Are you willing to relocate to Kuwait?

Do you have Support Equipment or general technician experience?

Typical EducationExperience

High school diploma or GED and typically 4 or more years' related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Other Job related information

Ideally candidates will have prior experience with US Air Force andor Boeing C17 Support Equipment. The ability to work independently under time constraints and stress excellent communication and people skills experience in supporting aircraft and familiarity with military Support Equipment maintenance practices and NA is an International Assignment and standard relocation amp return rights will be provided. Ability

to Obtain Interim Clearance Pre Start and Final Clearance Post Start US Citizenship Required. NOTE offers will be contingent on successful award of a C17 maintenance support contract to Boeing. Work may include afterhours weeken more...


via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/technician/003350898.html

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