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31 أكتوبر 2013

Government Relations Manager Middle East North Africa



HP is seeking to recruit an outstanding Government Relations Manager to lead its government relations capabilities for the Middle East and North Africa MENA.

Reporting to the Executive Director of Government Relations for Europe Middle East and Africa EMEA this position is a new role and sits within the EMEA team of the Global Government Relations function part of the Global Communications function.

The Government Relations Manager MENA will represent the interests of the company before Governments political audiences and other relevant stakeholders. The position holder will be accountable for advocating a public policy environment that creates competitive advantage for HP supporting HP in the protection of its intellectual property rights developing and implementing political engagement strategies to help identify win maintain and grow HP's public sector business supporting company executives in their engagement profile and relationship building with Government providing political advice and counsel to senior business leaders to inform business strategy and decisionmaking.

The Government Relations Manager MENA will work closely with colleagues in the various business units and other functional teams including Corporate and Business Unit Communications Marketing Legal and HR. They will be responsible for managing government relations consultancies in a number of markets and overseeing the delivery of highquality ethical and costeffective programmes by those consultancies. The position holder will primarily support the MENA business but will also have responsibility for aligning and integrating with the EMEA and Global Government Relations teams.

Regional focus

The Government Relations Manager MENA will need to be flexible and adaptable to changing business circumstances within the MENA region over time. Given the cultural political linguistic and geographical diversity of the region it will be necessary to prioritise a number of key markets and to manage others remotely or reactively.

HP's headquarters for Middle East Mediterranean and Africa MEMA are in Dubai and the preferred location for this role is Dubai though other locations in priority countries in the Middle East or in Turkey may be considered for exceptional candidates.

In the medium term 1224 months the priority countries which the Government Relations Manager MENA will focus on are UAE Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The priority will be to

Support HP's three main business units Enterprise Group Enterprise Services and Printing and Personal Systems EG ES and PPS in their relationships with political audiences with the objective of increasing HP's success rate in winning business with governments in these countries

Supporting HP's policy objectives in these countries. In particular working closely with the PPS business and with Government Relations' regional lead for anticounterfeiting to protect HP's intellectual property and defend its business against counterfeit cloned and remanufactured products.

The position holder will also support other markets in the region on a reactive basis in crisis situations and with external support if major deals or issues arise.

The first task of the Government Relations Manager MENA will be to work closely with the regional leadership team to develop a comprehensive government relations strategy for MENA detailing plans for support in the priority countries as well as how to manage government relations in the rest of the region.



Minimum of seven years experience in a government relations or public affairs role OR within government operating at a senior level

Experience working in a business environment providing advice and counsel to senior management and presenting to senior level boards and committees OR in government providing advice and counsel to government figures at the highest level.

Highly sophisticated knowledge of Government in the region and the policy making legislative and other processes that surround it.

Strong political networks a track record in successful relationship building and political influencing and a willingness to dedicate time and effort to broadening and deepening those networks.

Exceptional written and oral communications skills and a proven track record of producing high quality content and materials

Outstanding organizational abilities in particular the capacity to manage several different workstreams at one time and the proactivity to drive work programmes forward and coordinate the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders

Fluent in Arabic and English


Experience leading the development and implementation of government relations strategies for a number of different organizations andor companies.

Knowledge and understanding of Government procurement processes.

Experience of providing Government relations advice and support to businesses andor organizations competing for public sector business.

Detailed knowledge and understanding of one or more of the following policy areas trade and market access intellectual property and counterfeiting environmental regulation.

Experience undertaking a Government relations or public affairs role in a major multinational corporation.

Experience and understanding of the technology sector and the policy issues that impact it.

Experience of providing Government relations or public affairs advice in a consultancy or client service capacity.

Fluent in Turkish

Personal competencies

Thrives on challenge and working in a fast paced environment

Excellent analytical skills political instincts and judgment

Confidence to provide advice and counsel at senior levels

Team player with a collaborative approach

Self starter with the initiative to drive projects forward

Highly organized and resultsoriented with strong business acumen

Outstanding written and verbal communications skills

Excellent interpersonal skills

Highest personal and professional inte more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/003353538.html

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