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6 سبتمبر 2013

Senior Carbonate Geologist Spencer Ogden


Expatriate Position

Madrid Spain

The Senior Carbonate Geologist is responsible for providing sedimentology stratigraphy and petrography expertise in carbonates to different EampP teams in The Company through Europe Latin America and the Middle East primarily.

The ideal candidate will be a selfstarter with good analytical and communication skills development geology experience interested in carbonate RampD and enjoy working in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment.


Provide timely advice and technical support on carbonate plays and reservoirs to the various EampP teams in exploration and development teams based in Madrid

Ability to actively participate in and supervise carbonate projects with geological evaluation reservoir characterization and modeling guiding seismic interpretation and integration of data from subsurface and analog datasets.

Design coordinate and incorporate results from carbonate sedimentology petrographic petrophysical geochemistry and diagenetic studies into project work through close cooperation with multidisciplinary t teams.

Ensure the technical integrity and quality of discipline work. Continuously improve on existing practices and work processes as part of the geologist discipline community

Establish a network within The Company and beyond

Mentor junior professional staff on carbonate geology


MSc or Ph.D in carbonate geology related studies

12 years of experience in the EP business

Field Development and development geology experience

Strong technical knowledge of carbonate depositional systems processes and reservoir characterization disciplines

Experience in well log correlation core and cuttings description core analysis and carbonate petrography.

Ability to do 3D geologic modeling

Experience in EOR projects is a plus

Good networking skills externally and internally ability to cultivate and build strong external relationships with business counterparts

Knowledge of the EampP business project drivers and economics

Presentation and writing skills. Strong interpersonal and communication skills

Motivation to learn and share learning39s with technical peers

Fluent in English

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Required SkillsExperience carbonate carbonates fractured Desired SkillsExperience M. Sc

Ph. D

B. Sc Required Qualifications M. Sc

Ph. D

B. Sc Desired Qualifications M. Sc Ph. D B. Sc Minimum Experience 10 years Location Madrid INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 100000 150000 Euroyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 Expiry date 13 Sep 2013 Spencer Ogden Ref. No.

26723CD OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/automotive/003249257.html

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