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20 أبريل 2015

Cluster Director Marketing Communication

The Director of Marketing Communications is responsible for the planning direction control and coordination of all communication activities with an emphasis on public relations. Promotes and maintains good communications in order to enhance the prestigious image of the hotel and by doing so contributes to the revenues of the hotel.
 Managing Marketing Communications Activities
·         Develops an annual communications plan with specific goals and budgets as outlined in thehotel8217s marketing plancommunications manual. Prepares working plans to achieve goals and ensures the communications team is fully briefed on goals and progress.
·         Compares actual achievements against goals on a regular basis and takes corrective action.
·         Assists the DOM in the planning of all mailing activities and oversees their execution.
·         Ensures that the corporate ID manual is kept uptodate and implemented as appropriate.
·         Prepares on a timely basis the monthly sales amp marketing “communications” report.
·         Supervises and directs photography for advertising collateral and public relations purposes in liaison with the DOM the advertising agency and the field marketing department at corporate office.
·         Ensures the department has a  comprehensive master slidephotoCD library for alladvertising collateral and public relations activities and regularly sends these to corporate office for the image library.
·         Supervises operations of the inhouse art department.
·         Monitors activities of competitor hotels and trends within the industry.
Managing Public Relations Activities
· Acts as official spokesperson for the hotel when appropriate responds to all media requests within 24 hours.
·         Compiles and maintains a comprehensive list of media contacts and manages them as per the media account management system. Delegatesassigned accounts to communications staff as appropriate but takes full responsibility for the key media by maintaining and developing close relationships
·         Prepares press releases for appropriate targeted media locally regionally and internationally.
·         Works closely with the corporate and  international press offices on developing story angles.
·         Plays a key role in community and  government relations as well as VIP handling.  
·         Secures opportunities directs and attends hotel sponsored events and develops targeted partner relationships.
·         Creates and organizes press promotional activities.
·         Participates in the press eventstrips  organized by the regional PR offices as required.
·         Conducts press blitzes when appropriate.
·         Ensures press kit information is comprehensive and kept uptodate.

via http://ift.tt/1GagI48

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