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6 سبتمبر 2013

Senior Reservoir Geologist Expatriate Spencer Ogden

Senior Reservoir Geologist


Various Locations Europe Africa MiddleEast Asia Australasia North amp South America

A leading EampP and Energy Corporation is seeking a variety of Senior Reservoir Geologists to bulster their growing capability in neww field development as well as redevelopment of mature fields


Master39s degree from a top Geology or Engineering university school completed with a specialization PostGraduate master39s degree.


8 years of experience in OampG Reservoir Geology

The analysis and validation of geological data

The decision and carrying out of special studies

Carrying out and synthesizing statistical data while ensuring coherence with dynamic data

Conceiving and building geological models taking into consideration known analogues

Evaluating and quantifying uncertainties

Participation in the construction of dynamic models ensuring geological coherence during the calibration

Participation in the selection of the location of development wells and the integration of their results in the existing models

Ensuring the evaluation of volumes in place and the associated uncertainties

Assuring the realization of data base references and

Participating in data room evaluations.

Fluent spoken and written English.

Intellectual curiosity and rigor reliability imagination and creative thinking autonomy adaptability mobility and relationship skills are compulsory to succeed in this position.

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Required SkillsExperience reservoir geology Desired SkillsExperience reservoir geology Required Qualifications M. Sc Ph. D Desired Qualifications M. Sc Ph. D Minimum Experience 8 years Location paris INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 80000 120000 UK Poundsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 < more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003249259.html

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