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6 سبتمبر 2013

Principal Development Geologist Spencer Ogden




An publicly traded international oil and gas company now in their eighth year of trading is seeking a SENIOR DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGIST to oversee their LONDON based EXPLORATION amp DEVELOPMENT team.

With a minimum of 10 years experience the DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGIST must have experience on multifield well development projects and have a good background in PETROPHYSICS. The successful applicant will provide both GEOLOGICAL and PETROPHYSICSAL support to the SUBSURFACE TEAM LEADER.

The DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGIST will be responsible for the integration of core data petrological and petrophysical data to develop geological models for each reservoir.

Specific responsibilities will include the interpretation of routine core analysis integration of production and pressure data as well as the integration of SCAL studies.

The role will require a integration with other subsurface disciplines

Experience in clastic and carbonates across multiple field developments is a must.

Experienced in tight fractured reservoirs in addition to working on international projects is beneficial.

For more information please contact Craig Batchelor at the Glasgow Office.

For more information about this specific role please contact our Glasgow Office

Status Staff Required SkillsExperience OIL GAS GEOLOGY DEVELOPMENT EXPLORATION SCAL GEOLOGICAL Desired SkillsExperience Minimum of 10 Years Upstream Oil and Gas Experience Operator or EampP Company

Minimum MSc in relevant Geoscience or Earth Science

Must have indepth knowledge of FIELD DEVELOPMENT amp SCAL Studies.

Required Qualifications Minimum of 10 Years Upstream Oil and Gas Experience Operator or EampP Company

Minimum MSc in relevant Geoscience or Earth Science

Must have indepth knowledge of FIELD DEVELOPMENT amp SCAL Studies. Desired Qualifications Minimum of 10 Years Upstream Oil and Gas Experience Operator or EampP Company Minimum MSc in relevant Geoscience or Earth Science Must have indepth knowledge of FIELD DEVELOPMENT amp SCAL Studies. Minimum Experience 0 years Location City of London INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 75000 90000 UK Poundsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 Expiry date 5 Nov 2013 Spencer Ogden Ref. No.

CWCB19042013 OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/dot-net/003249246.html

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