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6 سبتمبر 2013

Reservoir Engineer Senior Advisor Asia Spencer Ogden

Senior Advisor Reservoir Engineering Asia

My Client is an independent Oil and Gas Exploration and Production company with strong financial backing and a huge appetite for growth. In the past 6 months they have recruited up to 300 staff and plan to grow by a further 300 by March 2014.

They seek a Reservoir Engineer with over 15 years of experience with strong experience in conducting studies for subsurface teams and leadingmentoring more junior engineers. On offer is a unique opportunity to move up the ladder with the growth of the company. The successful candidate can remain technical and progress into a role with increased technical authority and responsibilities.

Candidate Profile

10 20 years of experience in the oil and gas exploration and production industry

Depth of knowledge and experience in reservoir development planning and reservoir performance evaluation reservoir modelling and simulation reserve estimation and reservoir geology reservoir management well testing log analysis and at least some well completion and intervention understanding

Experience in production technology issues in field development

Experience motivating and mentoring more junior engineers

Strong team player with good communication skills

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Minimum Experience 10 years Location . INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 125000 200000 US Dollarsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003249252.html

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