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Custom Search

6 سبتمبر 2013

New Ventures Reservoir Geologist Spencer Ogden

New Ventures Reservoir Geologist Madrid

International Contract

A fast growing internationally diverse European EampP and Energy Company require a Senior Reservoir Geologist for their New Ventures Team assessing assets through Europe Africa South America and South East Asia.


10 years solid experience solid experience in an internationally recognised oil company or service company. Direct involvement in appraising and developing fields.

Handson experience in reservoir geological modeling and generation of maps used for development purposes. Selfsufficient to build and maintain geological reservoir models

Knowledge and indepth experience of modern software applications used in the reservoir geological modelling such as Petrel or similar

Identification of new well locations development infill appraisal step out.

Good knowledge and understanding of reservoir engineering and geological operations

Thorough understanding of geological concepts such as stratigraphy sedimentology structural geology and petroleum geology

Experience in a wide range of geographical areas and new ventures exposure

Good communicator both written and oral ability to work and produce results under time pressure motivated team player

Ability to communicate in English.

Fully mobile willingness and availability to work and live in other countries

Ability to take initiative and pursue ideas that can lead to incremental production of hydrocarbons

Education requirements

BSc in Earth Science Geology Geological Engineer or Mining Engineer

Graduate MSc or higher from Institute or University specialising in hydrocarbon geology related research and investigation IFP or similar

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Required SkillsExperience development geology reservoir geology new ventures international spain Required Qualifications B. Sc Desired Qualifications B. Sc Minimum Experience 0 years Location Madrid INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 100000 110000 UK Poundsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 Expiry date 13 Sep 2013 Spencer Ogden Ref. No.

C5762567D OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003249224.html

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