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Custom Search

6 سبتمبر 2013

Senior Reservoir Engineer Spencer Ogden

Senior Reservoir Engineer

My Client is one of Europe39s leading EampP companies and is currently on the search for a Senior Reservoir Engineer.

This is a great opportunity for an experienced Reservoir Engineer to join a highly technical Studies Team dedicated to leading technical activities across its global portfolio.

The successful candidate will be reporting to the Studies Team Leader and integrated into the Subsurface department.

Responsibilities in this role

Gather and analyse reservoir engineering data required for simulation and field development Static Reservoir Pressure PVT Well Test data SCAL.

Assess key uncertainties of the proposed reservoir development to be studied as sensitivities in reservoir simulations.

Determination of a range in recovery factors and PVT parameters to be used for Resource and Reserves assessment.

When required construct dynamic reservoir models in line with geological thinking and history matched to reservoir production and well test information.

Determine the best drive mechanism for the development by running development sensitivities as well as further optimisation of oil production.

Determine a range in production forecasts for the purpose of development planning and annual company forecasts. This should cover the uncertainties including the corresponding range in producer and injector wells.

Input in development planning decisions such as timing of new wells design of production facilities and duration of plateau rate.

Participate in the presentations to senior management partners and government bodies where appropriate

Candidate specifications

Bsc in Petroleum Engineering Physics or Chemistry preferably MSc or higher

More than 10 years39 experience as a Reservoir Engineer in a subsurface environment is a must

Good understanding of geological concepts rock and fluid characterisation

Thorough knowledge and understanding of reservoir simulation material balance and well test analysis.

Knowledge and indepth experience of modern Reservoir Engineering software applications

If you are interested in this position then apply with an up to date version of your CV

For more information about this role please contact our London office

Status Staff Minimum Experience 10 years Location Spain INTERNATIONAL nbsp Remuneration 90000 120000 UK Poundsyear Advert Published 6 Sep 2013 Expiry date 13 Sep 2013 Spencer Ogden Ref. No.

YBRSRE OilCareers Ref. No.

via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/engineer/003249266.html

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