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28 يوليو 2016

Web Developer and Designer for Bahrain

VAM Systems is a Business Consulting, IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM Systems is currently looking for Web Developer and Designer for our Bahrain operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Experience/Knowledge 3+ years in IT Industry with experience in Information Gathering, Analytical, problem management and change management skills Understanding of networking, hardware systems lifecycle and strategy development Office productivity tolls (MSOffice) English communication, presentation and writing skills Graduate or postgraduate in computer science, MIS or with relevant technologies Holders of professional certification from reputed organizations for the relevant disciplines Have Strong technical ability to troubleshoot and to provide support services Should be an expert in – Developing Webpages using the latest technologies XHtml, XML Client and Server side scripting including vbscript, classic asp and asp.net HTML 5, CSS3 JavaScript, Jscript, JQuery Ajax Microsoft Visualisation API SharePoint 2010, 2013 development (Webpart) MSSQL Databases, SSRS (SQL Reporting Services), SSIS and AD or Dot net MS Access Web services using C T-SQL Should have experince in the below: - Microsoft Service Manager 2012 R2 Developing Mobile Web Applications Excellent Designing skills using Photoshop and Illustrator Video / Animation experiences is a plus Developing workflow process MVC 4 or higher JavaScript framework such as backbone JS JSON SSAS Technical and Professional Skills: Experience in testing tools for unit and performance test executions Developing responsive websites and email contents Expert in managing and administrating content management systems Preparing solution document based on analysis Strong attention to detail Create well designed, reusable objects Roles and Responsibilities Meeting Business users to identify their needs and liaising regularly with them Drawing up detailed website specifications Designing sample page layout including text size and colours Designing graphics, animations and manipulating digital photographs Presenting initial design ideas to client’s business users Editing content, debugging code and redesigning web pages Testing the website to ensure it is working Conducting training to users Continual professional development to keep up-to-date with new software developments Develop new or maintain web applications or size as per the user requirements Ability to develop internet / Intranet/extranet, allowing data manipulation for each internal staff member Maintain and enhance existing web applications/sites and all internal systems are integrated Perform complete testing of web application unit and system engaging user as necessary Conduct all user acceptance testing, and report results Use the latest web technologies and trends and follow the international standards (W3C) Design and implement user driven templates, databases and interfaces for each of use Candidate must be team player and willing to teach and learn Must be familiar with issues of browser/Server compatibility, including which browsers and servers work well together and which one do not Website accessibility, This refers to creating web pages that are accessible to any one, no matter what device they are using Website accessibility also stresses the importance of making a website accessible to those with any kind of disability Creates and executes project work plans and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements Understands complex database concept as well as the implications of different database designs Ability to work additional hours as needed and weekends required Ability to work well under the pressure of tight deadlines and changing demands Terms and conditions: Joining time frame: 2 weeks (maximum 1 month). The selected candidates shall join VAM Systems – Bahrain and shall be deputed to one of the leading Organization in Bahrain. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call us +91 476-2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2agF7gt

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