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28 يوليو 2016

System Analyst and Developer for Bahrain

VAM Systems is a Business Consulting, IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM Systems is currently looking for System Analyst and Developer for our Bahrain operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Experience/Knowledge 3 to 5 years in IT industry with experience in software development lifecycle on IT development projects Information Gathering, Analytical, problem management and change management skills Competent on the SDLC and strategic development Office productivity tools skills (MS Office 2013 or above) Proficient in English communication writing skills Negotiation and presentation skills Graduate or post graduate in computer science, MIS or with relevant technologies Holders of professional certifications from reputed organizations for the relevant disciplines Have strong technical ability to troubleshoot and to provide support services Should have knowledge in the below: - C, ASP Dot Net using visual studio Dot Net MSSQL database, MS Access and database administration skills Oracle eBusiness Suite R12 Classic ASP SQL Programming with Stored Procedures or triggers etc. SharePoint 2010 and 2013 Developing Workflow processes HTML 5 Microsoft Web services Business Intelligence Concepts IIS Web Server Technical and Professional Skills: System Analysis and design Preparing solution document based on the analysis Relational database (RDB) Object oriented programming experience Content manager concept or design Applications unit testing Preparing dataflow diagrams Good technical documentation skills Project Management Skills Roles and Responsibilities Analysing existing systems and business models Mapping and documenting interfaces between legacy and new systems Understanding software development lifecycle Translating requirements into highly specified project and design Identifying options for the potential solutions and accessing them for both technical and business suitability Conducting requirement analysis and preparing specific proposals for modified or replacement systems Developing Solutions and related products Producing project feasibility and costing reports Working closely with colleagues, developers, testers and variety of end users to ensure technical compatibility and user satisfaction Ensuring that budgets and adhered to and deadline met Drawing up, supervising and documenting testing schedule for complete system Overseeing implementation of a new system including data migration Planning and working flexibility to deadlines Supporting users on change control and system updates Providing training and user manuals to users of a new system Keeping up-to-date with technical industry developments Troubleshoot issues and supports for applications, database, connectivity and other issues Manage deliverables associate with a project by prioritizing, tracking and completing assigned tasks Shift and / or off hours work may be required as needed Must be available on call after working hours and on week ends Other duties may be assigned Terms and conditions: Joining time frame: 2 weeks (maximum 1 month). The selected candidates shall join VAM Systems – Bahrain and shall be deputed to one of the leading Organization in Bahrain. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call us +91 476-2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2afK8Th

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