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30 مارس 2015

Director of Enrolment and Student Affairs

Admissions and Financial Aid

Develop the admission department’s organizational strategies by contributing information their analysis and recommendations to strategic direction and establishing functional objectives in line with organizational objectives

Develop admissions operational strategies by evaluating trends establishing critical measurements controlling productivity quality and customerservice strategies designing systems accumulating resources resolving problems implementing change

Work closely with the Communications and External Relations Department in order to promote the Institute and attract new students

Develop admission financial strategies by estimating forecasting and anticipating requirements aligning monetary resources developing action plans measuring and analyzing results initiating corrective actions

Supervise all registration and student records activities

Supervise all financial aid programs

Develop the financial aid module for the institute and financial aid packages

Develop short and long term budgets and monitor all expenses

Develop a system for evaluating financial aid applications and for the timely and effective awarding of all type of financial aid

Registration amp Student affairs

Coordinate and oversee the activities within these units which include

Orientations programs

Student activities and extracurricular life

Student housing

Career services and alumni

Professional counseling

Produce student affairs manuals publications and other informational materials

Develop policies procedures goals and objectives for the career placement

Cultivate relationships between DI leadershipfaculty and alumni campus visit volunteer opportunities networking and academic research

Supervises all admissions and financial aid activities

Organize events and networking with alumni


Articulate the vision mission goals of the department

Manage all the department staff evaluation discipline and discharge

Perform such other duties as assigned

via http://ift.tt/1IJi728

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