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13 يناير 2015

Geophysicist Unconventional

Saudi Aramco is embarking on a program to develop its worldclass unconventional resources and is seeking experienced professionals to join our Unconventional Multidisciplinary Team. We have an immediate requirement for experienced geophysicists who have experience in identifying and characterizing shale and tight gas reservoirs using various seismic methods and data. Saudi Aramco’s position as a worldleading hydrocarbon finder and producer offers unique opportunities for geophysicists to realize their full technical potential. Soon Saudi Aramco will be known not just for conventional oil and gas production but as a leader in full lifecycle unconventional gas development. Consider the opportunity to join our team and help shape the future of key global unconventional resource development.

As a geophysicist in an unconventional asset you will support the multidisciplinary team in identifying exploration and development areas for resource identification and maturation using all your geophysical skillsets and tools. You will also support the operations team in selecting appropriate completions decisions placement and orientation of fracs and monitoring fracture stimulation operations with microseismic data. Candidates are expected to be able to interpret seismic reflection data and recommend and incorporate all aspects of seismic modeling. Use of advanced seismic inversion and amplitude work will be an asset. The geophysicist will partner with geologists in preparing drilling recommendations. You will be expected to recommend seismic acquisition programs including the determination of seismic acquisition andor reprocessing parameters

via http://ift.tt/1AaWUbj

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