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31 يوليو 2014

Rotating Equipment Inspectors

Job Description Review previous overhauling history job packs drawings specifications inspection plans and repair plans prior to inspection of equipment and determine compliance with requirements.Carry out inspection of equipment in accordance with the specified plans and company procedures.Experience shall cover TurbinesCompressors dismantlingreplacement of parts including start up and over speed testingWork with OEMs to carryout overhauling jobs and offer assistance during turnaround.Prepare detailed inspection and repair reports.Knowledge of relevant international code and standards.Submit repair recommendations as per relevant code requirements.Able to issue and followup Non Conformity Report.Able to review Quality plans ITP’s and Quality procedures.Have knowledge of calibration of equipment and measuring requirements.Carryout inspections at repair shop vendor’s shop and communicate the repair requirements ensure quality of job and record findings job progress.Report preparation and other followup jobs post turnaroundKey Skills Turbo machineriesShutdownTurnaroundRotating EquipmentCompressorsAbout Company Bureau Veritas is a global leader in Testing Inspection and Certification TIC services. Created in 1828 the group has more than 59000 employees in 940 offices and 340 laboratories located in 140 countries. Bureau Veritas helps its clients to improve their performances by offering services and innovative solutions to ensure that their assets products infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality health and safety environmental protection and social responsibility. SpecialtiesTesting Inspection Certification Quality Assurance Health Safety Environmental Social Responsibility. Marine Industry Commodities Construction InService Inspection Verification Consumer Products Government Services International Trade more...


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