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8 مايو 2014

Structural Inspector


Hyder Consulting is a leading multinational design and engineering consultancy with particular specialisation in the property transport utilities and environment sectors. With over 150 years' experience and around 4000 people across several regions we combine global expertise and local knowledge to create exceptional solutions for our clients and their stakeholders.

Our international pedigree is further highlighted by our longstanding presence in our regions we have been in business for over 150 years in Europe 100 years in East Asia 70 years in Australia and 45 years in the Middle East.

We are urgently recruiting for dynamic individuals to fill our current vacancy for Structural Inspector to work on our projects in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Performs civil quality assurance inspections and prepares progress reports. Reports includes but not limited to maintenance problems calculates dimensions and component specifications and discusses project requirements with superiors

  • Provide assistance to the ProjectSite Engineer and take part in weekly meetings or as required

  • Monitor QAQC activities maintain Inspector's Logs amp Records contractor's work activities construction progress and inspection milestones and ensure that responses are complete in compliance with the contract documents

  • Inspect construction site to monitor progress and assess conformance to engineering plans specifications construction and safety standards

  • Adopting monitoring and implementing Safety and Environmental issues within the project site

  • Coordinate activities and schedules of ongoing projects with contractors and other department supervisors

  • Ensure that Contractor's works are being carried out according to plans standards and specifications prior to approving work and progress payments

  • Other duties as assigned

    Qualifications and Experience

    • Diploma Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering

    • Minimum of 8 years' experience as Inspector for residential tower projects out of which minimum 4 years with internationally renowned consultantsconstruction firm

    • Knowledgeable in various International Standard and Codes is required

    • Ability to perform variety of inspection functions accurately and timely

    • Familiarity with computers and software programs for job costing online collaboration scheduling and estimating also is important

    • Ability to understand and interpret design specifications construction plans contract documents and complex technical documents maps and drawings

    • Must be proactive adaptable and a motivated team playerFluency in EnglishArabic language in both verbal and written communication skills is required

    • Fluency in EnglishArabic language in both verbal and written communication skills is required

      Key competencies and values

      • Client focus differentiating through tailored skills and depth of client understanding

      • Excellence striving for excellence recognising that excellence is defined by our clients

      • Trust building and retaining relationships of trust with our clients colleagues and business partners

      • Teamwork working together as a team for the Group not just the individual

      • Responsibility taking responsibility for our performance and our safety

      • People we create an environment for people to realise their full potential

        At Hyder we believe in rewarding our employees for their commitment and endeavours and have designed a flexible benefits package that we feel will suit all of our more...


        via http://ift.tt/1uEc7lv

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