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2 أبريل 2014

Kindergarten Managerprincipleteachers

We are looking for an experienced educator qualified teacher Level 3 or above to managework at our new vibrant school .

You will have responsibility of al sections and work alongside our committed teaching team on all aspects of the EYFS curriculum.

You should be full of creative ideas have a good sense of responsibility and bags of enthusiasm.

We invite you to apply if you have the following leadership qualities experience and attributes

•You should be highly qualified and experienced in Early Years practice.

•Be passionate about giving children the best start and reaching their potential

•Have an excellent knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters and Statutory Framework.

•Have strong leadership qualities to be able to lead a staff team in order to improve outcomes for children and the quality of the environment

•You need excellent organisational and commuication skills

•Be able to work closely with parents and other agencies

•Have experience of supervising staff and trainees for instance as a Room Leader.

•Be able to plan and provide a safe environment and effective curriculum for the appropriate age and stage group of children

•Have a high regard to our safeguarding policies and procedures

•Be aware of and sensitive to the needs of our local community

•Be able to carry out the role of the Nursery Manager in hisher absence

Open to applicants holding permanent residence visas.



Level 6 degree QTS Early Years Professional StatusEarly Years Teacher Status. OR Level 3 in Childcare Development or equivalent with significant experience and a commitment to gain further qualifications You MUST have Maths and English at GCSE level grade AC.

via http://ift.tt/1oqwClc

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