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2 ديسمبر 2013


International candidates (from countries such as South Africa, Australia, NZ, Canada, European countries and Arab countries) are invited to apply. Apply for this vacancy at this ultramodern 300 bed multi-speciality Hospital in Dubai UAE. Join the team of the flagship hospital for the Middle East and Africa which brings contemporary German healthcare standards to the Dubai community. Information about Employer: The hospital is a 300 beds multi-specialty hospital. It is the new flagship hospital for the Middle East and Africa which is going to bring contemporary German healthcare standards to the door step of the local community. It is the main central hub with a large new and ultramodern infrastructure. It is a hospital equipped with most modern amenities. The hospital is five floors high with a future plan to have a medical tower that accommodates 215 leased clinics, 6 specialized medical centers and an immense Educational Centre that all form a medical city. HOW TO APPLY: Register and apply online on Global Medical Recruiting website http://www.gmrecruiting.com OR email your CV to apply@gmrecruiting.com

via JOBS-EG http://www.jobs-eg.com/job/radiologist/12269/

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