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Custom Search

1 ديسمبر 2013

Pipeline Integrity Advisor

.Organisation Description

Our client a major Oil and Gas Operating Company in Qatar is looking for a quotPipeline Integrity Advisorquot to work under Manufacturing Operation Department for Subsea Pipeline Section.

Job Description

This position would play a key technical role with a primary function to assess and managenbsp subsea and pipeline systems integrity ultimately responsible for safeguarding vital Pipelines and assures safe and reliable operation That will maintain subsea and pipeline system integrity and ensure continued availability with no unplanned outages. This position will be in charge of development coordination and implementation of Pipelines integrity management programs FIMS PIMS developing guidelines oversees implementations of quality management system and develop and execute training and development programs for trainees and will need to liaise with other technical specialists and team leaders for enhancing the performance and comply with the taget KPIs.

Person Specification

The successful candidate He She should have

acirc128cent B.Sc. degree Qualification in Mechanical Subsea Structure or Pipelines Engineering.

acirc128cent Minimum 12 years experience with a focus on pipelines engineering and Integrity.

acirc128cent Knowledge of subsea and pipelines corrosion and failure mechanisms and corrosion control.

acirc128cent Experienced in inspection methods and technologies. Minimum three years of technical applications support or in the Pipeline ILI Pigging pipeline construction and repairs.

acirc128cent Experienced in the fitness for services relevant codes and supporting practices of SS Pipelines

acirc128cent Experience and knowledge of risk based integrity management methods.

acirc128cent Strong understanding of Process Safety concepts and elements.

acirc128cent Familiarity of the procedures and practices of Classification and Certification asset integrity data management interpretation more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/it/003428954.html

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