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Custom Search

1 ديسمبر 2013

Marine Survey and Subsea Installation Specialist

.Organisation Description

Our Client a major oil and gas operating company in Qatar is currently looking fornbspOffshore nbspSurvey and Installation Specialist to work for their Subsea and Pipelines Operations Department. This will be a permanent residential position with competetive family benefits package.

Job Description

This is a key frontline position for Technical amp Operational interfacing within and outsidenbsp offshore asset with all other north field offshore Operators and constructionmaintenance repair Project teams. This position will be in charge of development coordination and implementation of integrity management programs developing guidelines oversees implementations of quality management system and develop and execute training and development programs for trainees and will need to liaise with other technical specialists and team leaders and reporting the performance and compliance KPI.

The Marine Survey and Interface Advisor will act as owner technical supervisor for under water inspection Contracts administrator this include the ROV inspection and the diving inspection related contracts will be responsible for the Timely and Quality management of activities in addition he will be

acirc128cent The first point of contact by any third party for planning and organising construction and maintenance activities near and abovenbsp subsea assets.

acirc128cent Leads the process to evaluate Technical Operational and Safety aspects of such jobs at planning stage and follows through to monitor compliance during construction operational stage.

acirc128cent Leads the Technical review process and liaises as required with Legal during finalization of Pipeline Crossing Agreements to assess feasibility of proposed installation methods for crossing over subsea pipeline and cables.

Person Specification

The successful candidate He She should have

acirc128cent B.Sc. degree Qualification in Mechanical Marine Subsea or Pipelines Engineering. Minimum 12 years working experience with a focus on Offshore pipeline and subsea installation field

acirc128cent Strong understanding of Process Safety concepts and elements.

acirc128cent Good Computer skills and problem solving capabilities. Strong effective English communications .

acirc128cent Experience and Knowledge of the principles of pipeline design codes and pipelaying amp crossing methods. Knowledge in subsea pipelines systems material and joining mechanism crossings stresses and stability analysis installation methods. Hands on experience on requirements and legislation of pipeline commissioning and procedures.

acirc128cent Familiar with installation software tools including Offpipe amp Autocad.

acirc128cent Experienced Good understanding on marine surveys and ROV vessels and barges operations anchors handling and Diving Systems with Good attention to detail.

acirc128cent I more...


via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003428949.html

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