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30 نوفمبر 2013

Financial Sales Consultant Dubai


The worlds leading independent financial advisory organisation the deVere Group is seeking to recruit financial sales consultants to join our award winning team.

The deVere group are dedicated to providing clients with the very best financial planning and advice wherever they are in the world. With offices in over 70 countries serving over 70000 global clients deVere are one of the worlds largest financial advisory organisations.

We need international financial sales consultants to work in our global locations during our continued expansion.

As an international financial sales consultant your role will be to assist expatriates and international investors in their medium to long term personal financial planning. In this clientfacing role you will give clients all the guidance they need to realise their personal financial goals. This will involve effective and assured communication skills information gathering matching requirements to market leading products and closing sales.

Leading fund houses including JP Morgan Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs provide exclusive support to the deVere financial sales consultants in order to maintain the level of service that is synonymous with deVere.

We will provide you with

acirc128centFull training and development to achieve international financial adviser qualifications CISI

acirc128centAccess to exclusive market leading products from the top fund houses

acirc128centDefined career path within the company

acirc128centOngoing support and training with your chosen office

In return we are looking for

acirc128centSuccess and target driven individuals

acirc128centExcellent communication skills

acirc128centEagerness to further or build a career in the financial services industry

acirc128centAbility to adapt to a fastpaced environment

acirc128centProven business builders

acirc128centHard working and motivated individuals

Experience within financial services is a bonus but not a prerequisite. You will receive training in products and se more...


via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/dot-net/003426694.html

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