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16 أكتوبر 2013

Visual MerchandiserDisplay Designer

  • Display designers and visual merchandisers use their design skills to promote the image products and services of businesses and other organizations.

  • Display designers focus on designing displays stands and panels for exhibitions conferences and other events. They also produce pointofsale displays which are installed in hundreds of retail outlets.

  • Visual merchandisers create window and instore displays of goods for retail shops and department stores.

  • The work involves researching to get an understanding of what are needed and coming up with design ideas. Visual merchandisers also source elements such as lighting props and accessories.

  • It is important to make the most of the space available work within a budget and meet deadlines. Installing and dismantling displays may also be part of the job description.

  • Havingnbspnbspthe experience in dealing with 3D amp Photoshop applications

  • Experience 5 years with Fragrance and Cosmetics industry

  • nbsp

    Please Apply only if Above Criteria Matches with your profile

    via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%26-8238%3b-%d8%af%d8%a8%d9%8a-%09-%09-%09-%09-%d8%9b-2.8-%d9%83%d9%85-%d9%85%d9%86-%d9%82%d8%b5%d8%b1-%d8%b2%d8%b9%d8%a8%d9%8a%d9%84-%26nbsp%3b-/graphic-designer/003324156.html

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