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17 أكتوبر 2013

Procurement Manager


u'u2022tEnsure the DCPR activities and deliverables that are undertaken in Procurement accordance with agreed Contract.

nu2022tResolve any presubmittal queries with Technical Team Subcontractors and Client.

nu2022tPreparation and issue of Proposals.

nu2022tResolve any postorder queries with Vendor Subcontractors and Client.

nu2022tMaintain a high level of service in compliance with Company Operating procedures.

nu2022tPlann for preparation of DCPR.

nu2022tSupervise staff working under him.

nu2022tUndertake relevant proactive measure to complete the DCPR.

nu2022tProvide technical advice about the suitability of materials to the discipline Engineers as and when needed.

nu2022tDevelop modify and evaluate materials DCPR.

nu2022tProblem solving.

nu2022tDiagnose short coming in DCPR and updating accordingly.

nu2022tOversee quality control amp Quality assurance processes are fulfilled.

nu2022tLiaise with suppliers customers and manufacturing more...


via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/003324249.html

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