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16 أكتوبر 2013
Expression of Interest Design Centre UAE
AECOM is building a multidiscipline facility based in the UAE that will offer centralised engineering and technical services to our offices and clients worldwide. The Design Hub will develop projects from design inception through to procurement construction and operations.
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from the following positions
- Graduate Engineers and Architects
- REVIT CAD TechniciansDetailers
- Design Engineers
- Architects
- Senior Design Engineers
- Senior Architects
- Principle Engineers
- Principle Architects
- Project Managers highwaysmarine exp
- Senior Project Managers civilinfrastructureThe Design Hub will also be designed with room for growth and provide the opportunity for staff to be involved in a wide range of projects. Some of the projects undertaken in the ME Region include the iconic Etihad Towers complex along Abu Dhabi's Corniche and the Cleveland Clinic a landmark hospital in the Middle East.
What We Offer
AECOM is a place where you can put your innovative thinking and business skills into high gear and work alongside other highly intelligent and motivated people. It's a place where you can apply your skills to some of the world's most challenging interesting and meaningful projects worldwide. It's a place that values the diversity of our areas of practice and our people. more...EJ
via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/graphic-designer/003323334.html
مواضيع هامة
وظائف خالية فى الإمارات
النشرة الوظيفية الاسبوعية
بيع وتسويق
تحميل جريدة الوسيط
سياحة ومطاعم
قصص نجاح
محاماة للمطلوب
مطلوب مدرسين
منتديات سما ايجى - موارد بشرية
نصائح توظيفية
وظائف الإسكندرية
وظائف الإسكندرية
وظائف السعودية
وظائف القاهرة
وظائف الكويت
وظائف تسويق ومبيعات
وظائف حكومية
وظائف خالية فى الإمارات
وظائف خالية فى مصر
وظائف خالية في مصر
وظائف عمان
وظائف فى المنيا
وظائف فى أمريكا
وظائف في امريكا
وظائف فى عمان
وظائف قطر
وظائف محاسبين
وظائف مصر
وظفني شكرا