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13 أكتوبر 2013

Arabic Female Executive Secretary

Executive Secretarynbsprequired for a wellknown events company the position is temporary with the possibility of full time in case of successfully delivering targets. Please note that applicant should be ablenbspto start immediately no visa will be provided immediatelynbspattractive package of basic salary allowancenbspwill be provided.

Job Description

Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary is responsible for providing secretarial clerical and administrative support in order to ensure that services are provided in an effective and efficient manner.

Scope of work

The Executive Secretary reports to the Managing Director and Marketing Director. She is responsible for providing senior level secretarial and clerical services.


Provide office support services in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness within the Office.

Main Activities

Receive direct and relay telephone messages emails and fax messages

Direct the general public to the appropriate staff member

Maintain the general filing system and file all correspondence

Assist in the planning and preparation of meetings conferences and conference telephone calls

Maintain an adequate inventory of office supplies

Respond to public inquiries

Provide wordprocessing and secretarial support

Type confidential documents on a word processing system

nbspProvide support to the Managing Director and Marketing Director as requested.

nbspPerform other related duties as required

Knowledge Skills amp Abilities

nbspThe mandatory proficient knowledge in the following areas

nbspOffice administration

An understanding of relevant legislation policies and procedures

Team building

Bookkeeping skills

nbspAnalytical and problem solving skills

nbspDecision making skills when necessary

nbspEffective verbal and listening communications skills

nbspComputer skills including the ability to operate computerized accounting spreadsheet and wordprocessing programs at a highly proficient level

nbspStress management skills and time management skills

Personal Attributes

nbspBe honest and trustworthy

nbspPossess cultural awareness and sensitivity

nbspBe flexible

nbspDemonstrate sound work ethics

The Executive Secretary would normally attain the required knowledge skills and attitudes through completion of an office procedures andor bookkeeping course combined with related experience. Equivalencies will be considered.

The Executive Secretary may have to manage a number of projects at one time and may be interrupted frequently to meet the needs and requests of management. The Executive Secretary may find the environment to be busy noisy and will need excellent organizational and time and stress management skills to complete the required tasks.



Excellent Arabic amp English Communication skills Verbal and Written

UAE Dubai

via http://uae.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-emirates/%26-8238%3b-%d8%af%d8%a8%d9%8a-%26-8238%3b/003321351.html

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