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ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

Custom Search

11 سبتمبر 2013

PHP Developer

. Pure360 provides online software solutions that allow leading companies maximise the results from their email andnbspSMS marketing. After yet another year of successful growth in 2012 we are now expanding into new markets includingnbspinternationally. Some of the top brands we work with include the Financial Times Amnesty International Seatwave andnbspinnocent drinks. nbsp

Based in the heart of Brighton Pure360 offers an exciting and fast paced working environment with excellent prospects fornbspthe right people. We currently have just over 100 staff a results driven and an ambitious bunch of people!

We are seeking further senior PHP developers who are strongly motivated to produce userfocused software used bynbspthousands and sending email in the billions. You should have a wide range of development experience focused on PHPnbspand a comprehensive understanding of software design concepts. You'll experience a mature development environment andnbspwill have the chance to contribute to improving processes and software quality in our great 8strong team to help us achievenbspnew levels of success.

This is a fantastic opportunity to progress as a PHP Developer working on an enterprise application in an ambitious andnbspgrowing company. If that sounds good to you do get in touch!nbsp

Key Responsibilities

bull Perform core product and custom software development on time and to specification

bull Develop robust and reusable business logic for the applicationrsquos bean like middle tier

bull Develop performancetuned server modules for bulk processing of high data volumes

bull Contribute to the evolution and improvement of the PHP and JavaScript frameworks

bull Recognise and propose potential system improvements as well as suggestions in terms of technical architecturenbspand strategy

bull Participate in all phases of the software development life cycle including assisting in deployment and testing

Skills amp Experience


bull Proven commercial project experience involving a minimum of PHP MySQL and XML

bull Ability to confidently and correctly answer questions relating to frameworks and OO coding practices

bull Experience in implementing and working with PHP MVC frameworks

bull Experience in all stages of SDLC

bull Experience with HTML CSS and JavaScript

bull Proactive at identifying problems and proposing solutions and improvements

Person Specification

bull Passionate about building a worldclass product for the company with attention to detailnbsp

bull Enthusiastic to learn and develop your skills

bull Great teamworking skills and a solutionfocused flexible attitude

Job typenbspPermanent Fulltime

HoursnbspMonday ndash Thursday 9 ndash 6pm Friday 95pm

SalarynbspUp to pound35000 neg depending on experience nbsp

BenefitsnbspSubsidised Gym more...


via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/php-developer/003259218.html

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