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Custom Search

10 سبتمبر 2013

Inspector of Works Highways Doha Qatar

Job Description Inspector of Works Highways Doha QatarLocation Doha Qatar

Requisition 53702BREmployment Type Full TimeCareer Level ProfessionalTravel Percentage NoneAppointment NonUS Expat In Country Local HireLast Updated 20130910Why CH2M HILLFor decades CH2M HILL has been a global leader in engineering consulting design program management construction and operations working on the most challenging and impactful projects around the world. Through these challenging projects we develop our people — who transform complex and creative ideas into reality every day. Join us and together we can work to build a sustainable world. We support you to reach your greatest career goals through continued professional development a positive work life balance and undeniably cool engineering projects. Join employeeowned CH2M HILL and discover why our diverse team has been consistently ranked as one of the leading employers and repeatedly recognized as a best place to work in the U.S.Description and Desired Qualifications

Inspector of Works Highways Doha Qatar

Job Purpose

This position provides specialized support through the application of technical skills to the delivery of Halcrow CH2M HILL services.

‘Inspector of Works Highway' has deep knowledge of procedures and technical concepts within own area and understands regulations and standards for own area. Heshe evaluates and resolves problems by reviewing multiple sources of information and drawing conclusions and assists less experienced team members in using technology.

Job ResponsibilitiesAccountabilities

  • Report to the Resident Engineer Roads and will be assisted by the Roads Engineer

  • Keep daily records

  • Carry out daily inspections of the works and sign off the relevant part of the contractor's RFI's in a timely manner.

  • Raise any non conformances or poor workmanship with the RE in a timely manner

  • Raise any safety issues with the Safety officer keeping the RE informed.
    Basic Qualifications

    Job Requirements

    • Associates Degree or at least Diploma level or equivalent as a minimum educational qualification.

    • 5 years experience as a Utilities Inspector

    • Typically required to have developed detailed technical knowledge of one or two major tasks that are a normal part of the specialty
      Degree RequiredBachelors or 4 Year DegreeWhat you will findAt CH2M HILL the greatest challenges provide the biggest rewards. Each day your drive and creative ideas will be providing solutions that help build a better tomorrow. Whether it is the pride that comes with accomplishment personal growth or making a difference in the world you will discover true success in a career that brings out the best in you at CH2M HILL. Ready? Let's get to work. Developing People through Challenging Projects CH2M HILL is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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      via http://qatar.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-qatar/003256808.html

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