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11 سبتمبر 2013

Corporate Manager of Engineering Commissioning Kuwait

. Corporate Manager of Engineering Commissioning Kuwait Corporate Manager of Engineering Commissioning KuwaitThe Client Digby Morris client is a leading Kuwaiti contractor established in the late 90s they have developed from a local contracting company into a worldwide Infrastructure Project Developer Contractor and Facilities Management Service Provider capable to undertaking large scale and complex projects. Their 2011 turnover exceeded 2.5 billion and they employ over 35000 staff.The RoleTo manage EPC Engineering Commissioning Team across countries and to increase the efficiency in all business matters relating to the work of the Department and be responsible for providing best possible services to the Operations to assist them in meeting their budgeted revenue and profit targets.The ResponsibilitiesTo manage and lead the Engineering Commissioning Team from conceptual design and startup engineering assignments efficiently effectively by providing guidance and direction to subordinates in accordance with Company procedures.To provide strategic and departmental direction to respective Department Manager Unit Heads.To set and develop strategies for dealing with Departmental Specific issues.To establish review maintain and revise Department procedures and manage the implementation of all changes.To manage and verify the annual department budgets for all operations and overheads including semi annual forecasting.To assist the in the development of vision and strategies for the future development of the Company.To participate with the corporate team to analyse and develop ideas for Companys existing and future business and contribute to the enhancement of the Company image.To ensure all Cost Centres are provided with a relevant timely and professional level of service within limits.To set budgets and work within approved financial guidelines in accordance with Department requirements and Levels of Authority.The RequirementsCorporate Manager Engineering Commissioning with experience in Engineering Commissioning to manage Power Water and Wastewater EPC MEP and Civil Engineering Departments. Should have technical contracts terms and Conditions legal and Commercial Knowledge and able to negotiate contracts with 3rd Party Engineering Companies. He should be able to Manage a team of highly experienced Engineering Managers.Bachelors Degree in Electrical or Mechanical EngineeringSolid background and expertise on EPC Projects specifically on Power Plant Projects and Water ProjectsKnowledge of engineering systems and calculations applications of both engineering and startup methods coupled with knowledge of computer applications related to the close out and resolution of engineering problemsSkills in Negotiation Conflict resolution Skills in Management and Supervision Knowledge of Codes of practiceKnowledge of Project ManagementCommunic more...


via http://kuwait.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-kuwait/hotel/003259278.html

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