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5 أبريل 2017

Storage Admin

Carry out all Infrastructure storage related configuration activities (SAN Zoning, provisioning, copy services and masking, DR configuration and replication, FCIP configuration, IBM SVC, DS8000, XIV, V7000 , TPC configuration and administration tasks, EMC Data Domain, VMAX and RecoverPoint) to ensure maximum service availability. Review the storage software life cycle and version control and review newsletters from the vendor to ensure BANK storage systems are not impacted by any software bugs. Carry out disciplined reporting for storage health status to ensure having the best performance. Provide continuous support to resolve critical issues on a 24/7 basis to maximize availability for the bank business services Develop automation tools and processes to help performing administration tasks and minimize time of Delivery to meet BANK projects timelines. Manage and test the Disaster Recovery Storage systems to guarantee the consistency of the configuration, patches and other recommendations as per the DR plan and requirements. Abide to the Change Management Process and to ensure all actions are documented on Request fulfilment module and OpenView Service Management. Monitor proactively and audit the health and availability of systems to plan ahead for problems avoidance or system health optimization.  Apply IT Service Level Agreements, and abiding to target Key performance indicators.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2oHp9ku

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