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Custom Search

24 نوفمبر 2016

Insurance Surveyors for Qatar

VINIRMA Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a 360degree Human Resource Management Consulting and Staffing Services Organization with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Australia, USA, Singapore & India. VINIRMA Consulting is currently looking for Insurance Surveyors for one of our clients which is a leading Organization in Qatar with the following skill set and terms and conditions. EXPERIENCE/REQUIREMENTS: Must have been employed in Motor Insurance claim function for at least five years, with experience gained in claims aspects of the motor insurance business. Should have at least two years supervisory & auto-survey experience in an officer position in an insurance industry plus an additional minimum 2 years of workshop experience within an overall minimum motor insurance experience of 5 years. EDUCATION AND SPECIAL TRAINING OR SKILLS: University degree in automobile engineering or if Diploma in Automobile then with three years garage experience. Comprehensive training in all the services offered, or functions performed related to motor insurance. Ideally will also have from a recognized body a professional qualification in insurance / actuarial work (such as AIII, ACII, AIA, AFA etc.) LANGUAGE: English (read, write & speak). JOB SUMMARY: To undertake survey and assessment of damages of reported motor claims to the department in an efficient manner in accordance with the approved procedures of the company. RESPONSIBILITIES: Reviews the information received on the receipt of claims notifications, and ensures that all necessary documentation is produced by the insured, including the claim form, police report driving license and registration card to enable assessment of loss. Inspects insured client's damaged vehicle, and, where appropriate, damage to third party vehicles and property. Arranges for repair estimates and assesses the loss, negotiates with garages and arrives at the Loss repairable or replaceable. Prepares Survey Reports in sufficient details as per the procedures drafted by the company. Ensure that the policy terms and conditions with regard to policy deductible and depreciation are applied in motor claims applicable Maintains contact with appointed vehicle repair garages. Negotiates with third party insurers, involving himself and the Legal Advisor in major claims. Recommends to the AVP in issuance of repair orders/LPO to garages or agencies. Prepares monthly report of motor claim survey done. Updates himself about the technical details of new vehicles in the market & technology to repair such vehicles and about the capabilities of garage/agency. Liaisons with garage, agency & customers and maintain good & fair relationship. Terms and conditions: Joining time frame:   2 weeks (maximum 1 month). The selected candidates shall be a direct employee of one of the leading organization in Qatar. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call +91 476 2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/2fun1dB

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