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26 يناير 2016

Card Specialist forBahrain

VINIRMA Consulting Pvt. Ltd. is a 360degree Human Resource Management Consulting and Staffing Services Organization with operations in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Australia, USA, Singapore & India. VINIRMA Consulting is currently looking for Card Specialist for one of our clients which is a leading Bank in Bahrain with the following skill set and terms and conditions. Skillset Required: • Master or Bachelor degree in IT, engineering or Sciences. • 8 to 10 years experience in IT. • 5+ years experience in Card Systems. • Ability to working under high pressure. • Ability to make quick and accurate decision. Principal Responsibilities: • Project Manager for IT Card systems related projects and any other projects assigned • Supports the activities of the Card Centre Operations Section and ensure 24X7 uptime of the system. • Provide regular progress report of Card related activities to Head of Card system. • Interact, as the IT contact with CSF, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Dinners, BENEFIT and other technical and non-technical vendors from the viewpoint of ensuring proper functioning of Card Systems. • Interact, as the IT contact with Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Dinners, BENEFIT, other GCC switches and other technical and non-technical vendors from the viewpoint of certification and requisite compliance upgrades and evaluation of new systems and business opportunities. Attend card and other industry meetings to keep current on developments affecting the card industry. • Support in setting up of ATMs, EFTPOS terminals and terminal Management systems and NCC. • Support for Setup, Testing and configuration of u-Switch ware, Online, Prime and Fraud guard, RPDL, Transnet,, HSM systems. • Be familiar with the other software application and hardware configuration of the Bank. • Regularly reviews procedures, makes recommendations for changes where necessary and assists with implementation of changes or new procedure. • Investigates user queries related to posting of incoming and outgoing files, interface files, reports production and distribution and advises accordingly. • Arranges for maintenance of related software and hardware. • Assists in evaluating new available hardware / software. • Managing IT Projects related to Cards for new product launches and continuous improvement. • Participate in Vendor selection for different products, preparation of RFQ, RFP, Capital Expenditure, Project Plan, Project Co-ordination and Project Implementation for Card IT Projects. • Managing system changes of card management and peripheral satellite systems. • Facilitating other IT projects where interfacings with Card Systems are required. • Co-ordination with Card business to advise and facilitate in there short term and long term plans in IT perspective. • Conducting Root Cause Analysis spanning across multiple systems to ensure non-recurrence of system/procedural problems. • Establishes and ensures that systems standards and guidelines are adhered to • Ensures that system and program records and files are properly maintained and secured • Liaise with users on activities related to their requests for automation • Provides supports and resolves problems outside regular working hours by being on Call duty periodically. • Co-ordinates with auditors for audit compliance Terms and conditions: Joining time frame: 2 weeks (maximum 1month). The selected candidates shall be a direct employee of one of the leading Banks in Bahrain. Should you be interested in this opportunity, please send your latest resume in MS Word format at the earliest at ambili.krishnan@vamsystems.com or call + 91 476 2681150.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1nOqtRm

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