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27 نوفمبر 2015

Fiber Optics Splicing Technician

International Crossings invites you to consider a rewarding opportunity within our Egypt office as a Fiber Optic Splicing Technician within the Construction Technologies Department working to accomplish company goals. Responsibilities: Ability to fusion or mechanical splice SM or MM fiber optic cables, to include terminate various types of fiber optic connectors (ST,SC, LC) Work with engineers and/or OSP PM’s to perform fusion splicing as directed. Installation and testing of pressurized and non-pressurized closures on all types and sizes of cable. Experience and knowledge using Fiber Optic Scope and or a Fiber OTDR. Installation and dressing of fiber optic cables (vertical/horizontal). Provide management with detailed reports of field splicing activity. Maintain fiber asset inventory and splicing records. Qualifications: 3 years or more of fiber splicing experience in active plant Must be able to work independently without supervision. Ability to read prints, read and comprehend splice instructions Complete production paperwork with correct splice case information Operating aerial lifts Entering confined spaces Able to prep a variety of splice cases Ability to troubleshoot rings and audit plant Express entry a loose tube Cable Fusion splice fibers, operate and read an OTDR Basic knowledge of MS Office and basic computer skills to look up maps Send your CVs on internationalcrossings@gmail.com

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/21ju09R

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