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28 نوفمبر 2015

A Reputable Oil & Gas Refinery Opportunities

Attention Job Seekers, Job Code: YT18627532 A New reputable Oil & Gas Refinery is seeking the attention of the below Job Fields and titles. Be informed that the below positions are open for both males and females as some positions are specifically for females. Interested candidates should submit his/her Resumes/CVs immediately. Female IT Specialist Engineer, Female Secretary, Cloud Specialist Solutions Architect, Sales Representatives, Cloud Specialist Solutions Architect, Assistant Restaurant Manager, Dynamic & Expanding qsr Concept, Female Assistant Manager Outlet, Corrosion Engineer, Female Public Relations Assistant, Entry Level Marketing, Female Executive SecretaryMale Junior Executive Male/Female AuditorsMale/Female Storekeeper, Manufacturing Plant, Electrical Engineering Manager, Sales Promoters, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Female Purchaser, Bartender, Electrical Design Engineer, Consultant Obgyn, Soc Manager, Security, Female Assistant Operations Managers, Strategy Consultant, Hse Engineer , Environmental Impact Assessment, Occupational Health Advisor, Manager , Facilities Management Services Company, Female Contracts Administrator, Female Assistant Project Manager, Industrial and Lifting Inspector, Head of Customer Service Circa Autocad Designers, 3ds max and Vray…professional Interior, M&a Director, Female Logistics Officers, Contracts Manager, Construction Leader Lean, Real Estate Associate, Female Staff Nurses, Staff Doctors, First Aide Officers, Lab Assistant, Business Managers, Female Customer Manager, Software/Hardware Engineers, chemical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineer, Auto Engineer, Female Store keepers. e.t.c. Experienced is preferred, but they are willing to train an eager employee who wants to learn all aspects of the above Job Titles. Salary Range: $7,200USD/Month , to $24,200USD/Month, depending on your experience and curse of study Yours In Service Mr Mark Johnson Public Admin Officer & Hr Assistant Officer

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1YAUstb

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