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4 أغسطس 2015

Technical office electerical engineer

 Drafting detailed dimensional drawings and designing layouts for projects and to ensure conformance to specifications.  Assisting the team in negotiating with the external MEP consultants, contractors and vendors for their appointment.  Providing clear direction to the external MEP consultants and other stakeholders on the projects MEP design objectives, monitoring regularly and providing feedback on projects MEP design and planning.  Reviewing and approving MEP DBRs keeping in mind cost, quality and time effectiveness.  Assisting the Head-Projects in critical financial, engineering and feasibility analysis of MEP design proposals made by MEP consultants.  being aware of brands, making types for equipment’s, materials of all items of MEP required in projects.  Being well versed in reviewing Tender Documents, BOQ and specifications.  Witnessing floating of MEP tenders & invitation of proposals and involved in analyzing and recommending the list of vendors / subcontractors / suppliers capable of executing projects within agreed time and cost.  Being able to review consultant drawings with respect to D.B Details, SLDs of all MEP works, panel details, plant rooms, D.G sets, Pumps, water supply and drainage system, firefighting system, HT and LT works, Substations, CCTV, PAS, Access controls, BMS etc. And work with PMC to get these approved and signed off by operator.  Coordinating with Consultants, contractors and PMC (where applicable) on all issues pertaining to drawings, programs, schedules and ensure timely resolution of all MEP issues. Also monitoring progress against the project program and keeping the Head-Projects updated on project progress.  Coordinating activities of vendors, outside contractors, PMC assigned to projects to ensure compliance to specifications and project completion timetables.  Making periodic site visits for site coordination meetings and to ensure project progress as per design intent and desired quality. Spot and solve  Reviewing shop drawings submitted by contractors and vendors (MEP).  Overseeing testing, commissioning, handing over of all MEP works of the Building and be involved till the defect liability period is over.

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1N7jlGp

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