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Custom Search

17 أغسطس 2015

Infectious Disease Physician (Tropical Disease exp) – EcoMed

INTRODUCTION Global Medical Recruiting currently recruiting international Medical Staff on behalf of EcoMed located in Freetown, Sierra Leone (West-Africa). With internationally trained staff, first class equipment and innovative technology, EcoMed is Freetown's most advanced medical diagnostics centre and is the first choice for laboratory, radiology and diagnostic imaging procedures in Sierra Leone. If you would like to be part of the EcoMed team and feel your qualifications, skills and experience is a good match for this position we encourage you to contact us using the Apply button. Not suitable for you? Why not pass this position on to a friend or colleague? Note: Global Medical Recruiting will not charge you, the applicant any placement fees. JOB SPECIFICATION Global Medical Recruiting. We have access to a large client base and thereby have access to a large number of open vacancies making it easier for you to secure your ideal job faster. We have successfully undertaken hundreds of assignments and successfully placed medical personnel from all around the world. Our recruitment services are paid by our clients the employers and you the applicant will NEVER be asked to pay recruitment fees to us. Global Medical Recruiting's dynamic and professional team will assist you in the following: 1. Creating a CV according to the requirements of hospitals. 2. Submitting your CV to different hospitals/clinics countries of your choice. 3. Scheduling of a face to face/SKYPE/telephone interview with hospital management on request from the hospital. 4. Assist you in offer of employment and submission of documents required by hospitals. 5. Assist you with Verification / Credentialing (Clinical Staff) and all recruitment requirements. 6. Liaise with the employer regarding issuing of your entry visa into the country. 7. Booking of your flight and meet & greet at the airport. ABOUT THE EMPLOYER Ecomed is a newly established medical diagnostic center in Freetown, Republic of Sierra Leone (West-Africa. Ecomed’s Laboratory Division is equipped with “Highly Automated Clinical Chemistry, Hematology and Immune Analyzers”, and they provide the following Laboratory services: Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Hematology, Clinical Microbiology (Bacteriology, Micro Parasitology, Immunoassay, Serology, Endocrinology) and Phlebotomy Services. The Radiology and Diagnostics Imaging Division is equipped with state of the art technology like 16 Slice CT-Scan, Digital X-Ray, MRI, 4D Ultrasound, Mammogram, Dental Panoramic X-Ray and ECG. The division provides the following services: Breast Imaging, Cardiovascular Radiology, Chest Radiology, Emergency Radiology, Gastrointestinal (GI) Radiology, Genitourinary Radiology, Head and Neck Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Dental Panoramic Radiology and Echocardiogram (ECG) EcoMed believes, “Your HEALTH comes First.” HOW TO APPLY: Register and apply online on Global Medical Recruiting website http://ift.tt/1mMz02k

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1PvbeF6

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