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Custom Search

28 مايو 2015

Software Developer

Company : Caelum Middle East Location: Zamalek, Cairo,Egypt Position: Software Developer Job Code: (210) R&D: Junior Developer JOB SUMMARY - Software developers are the brains behind the development, design, installation, testing and maintenance of software codes, systems and programs. - As software codes, has an important part in making a business more efficient and helping to provide a better IT service. - He/she might be responsible for the replacement of a whole system based on the specifications provided by an IT analyst, in addition to modifying it and integrating it into the existing network. - The code should be created to link the systems together. SKILLS REQUIRED - Has the ability to interpret and follow technical plans. - Creative approach to problem solving. - Has the ability to work with people at all levels, including non-technical staff. - He has the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. - An understanding of confidentiality and data protection issues. - Ability to solve problems quickly and completely. - Good communications skills. - Team-working skills. - An appreciation of the bigger business picture, not just its IT requirements. - Analytically and commercial experience. - Any organizational skills. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES - Develop programming systems making specific determinations about system performance. - Review and repair legacy code. - Expected to conduct system analysis and development, with limited support from professional staff, to keep our systems current with changing technologies. - Research and recommend software tools to management. - Review, to the extent possible, changes in code and the environment that will affect system performance. - Provide recommendations to management concerning issues of programmer productivity and software development management. EDUCATIONS AND EXPERIENCE - Graduated from the faculty of Engineering- Computer Science Section. - Good knowledge of mathematics, hardware, software and programming languages - strong knowledge is a must .net. c#, linq, WCF and WPF.,entity framework - Has very good knowledge in Database. Job Type Full Time Send cvs to hasnaa.sakr@caelum-me.com

via JOBS-EG http://ift.tt/1Fig1DB

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