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Custom Search

20 أبريل 2015

Road Engineer

We are looking for a Road Engineer to work for a western consultancy on Highways projects in Qatar

Job Role

Road Engineer

Will be working the night shift 9 hours 8211 8 working 1 break

To manage the infrastructure contracts for Design and Site supervision of Strategic Highways Structures and Water their resourcing and recruitment

supervision and control of earthworks embankments cuttings etc. for major highway projects.

Prepare and present technical and fiscal project reports to in company Government departments and NGO8217s.

Program manage major multidisciplinary Infrastructure design and construct teams for Consultants and Public Authorities

Responsible for planning coordinating and executing all technical and constructional aspects delivering to program to or below budget.

Oversee all Highway Transportation and Water design and site supervision programs undertaken in Saudi Arabia by expatriate and local personnel.

Manage preparation of infrastructure bids for Consultant engagements Local Authority frameworks principal and subcontract agreements.


Degree in Civil Engineering

Should be Arabic speaking

Will be working the night shift 9 hours 8211 8 working 1 break

10 years minimum experience

Preference to candidates working for a consultancy not contractor

GCC experienced required Qatar experience would be good but not essential.

via http://ift.tt/1J2bCKX

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