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26 أبريل 2015

Nursery Class Teachers

To teach within the framework of present nursery policies paying particular attention to safeguarding Equality and Diversity and academic excellence.To establish a safe creative warm and loving learning environment in her classroom.To be responsible for developing and maintaining appropriate resources and equipment preparing the classroom indoors and outdoors and ensuring that it is safe clean and tidy at the start and end of each session.To plan organize and resource a classroom environment which will facilitate children’s autonomous independent learning and enable children to maximize their full potential.To take responsibility for the welfare and safety of all the children in the nursery.To establish positive behavior standards throughout the nursery.To take responsibility for the management of other adults in the classroom.To attend Senior Management meetings and contribute to the nursery’s action plan.To implement the nursery’s policies and procedures with specific regard to Safeguarding and Health and Safety.To establish and maintain good partnerships with colleagues parents and carers and children including good homeschool links.To monitor children’s progress keep meaningful records and evaluate performance through formative assessments in line with the nursery’s policy.To be able to interpret assessment data and make appropriate recommendations to improve outcomes for children.To take up the opportunity for continuous professional development through selfdirected reading courses and inservice training.Support the aims and ethos of the Nursery at all times promoting these to parents and carers and to colleagues visitors and other professionals both in the nursery and in the wider community.To set a good example in terms of punctuality attendance behavior and dress and to support the development of the nursery’s reputation and standing within the community.

منApril 26, 2015 at 02:00AM وظائف مدرسين http://ift.tt/1HHAFCH

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