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ابحث عن وظيفة في مجالك

Custom Search

1 أبريل 2015

Manager 8211 Learning and Development

Job Summary

Set and implement the learning and development strategy for ALDAR

Asses the developmental needs of all departments on a periodic basis

Meet the training and development targets set on a yearly basis

Roles and Responsibilities

Learning and Development

Set the learning and development Career plan and succession planning policy review and update as per the business needs.

Working with business leaders and managers to identify training needs and trends within the business.

Plan departmental functional training budgets forecast costs and delegate numbers as required by organizational planning and budget.

Identify the organization’s need for training by conducting training need analysis on a yearly basis and link the outcomes from performance management and the end of every PM cycle.

Assist in Developing LampD strategy and manage training delivery measurement and followup as necessary.

Develop the yearly LampD library based on the training needs analysis exercise.

Ensure a proper implantation of training for staff monitor training activities.

Management of training Budget.

Evaluate training providers performance review feedback to ensure a smooth training execution.

Ensure payments are released to the training providers in liaise with finance and procurement teams.

Ensure per diems and leave requests are as per the training plan.

Individual Development Plans

Develop the IDPs for all UAE nationals in liaise with their line managers link their development requirements with the training plan

Constantly monitor the implementation of IDPs amend when necessary as per the business requirements and scope of work

Obtain periodic feedback from line managers on the progress of UAE nationals development

Identify future potential roles for UAE nationals as per the approved organization structure

Succession Planning

Identify critical positions and successors as per the policy guidelines

Assess potential successors identify KSAs gaps along with the behavioral competencies required

Develop the SP development documents for potential successors based on the above

Link the developmental needs to the learning and development module

Assess the readiness of potential successors periodically amend the develop plan if needed

Counsel employees appropriately with line managers to improve motivation and career development.

Reporting Lines

Report to Director – Human Capital

Report From Senior Specialist – Career and Succession Planning Coordinator – Learning and DevelopmentCapabilities Skills

Business capabilities

10 years of experience in core HR with at least 6 years in Training and developmentInterpersonal skills

Proven experience in developing comprehensive Learning and development strategies

Existing relationships with training providers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

Experience of management development and soft skills training

Budget management experience

People Management experienceKey Performance Indicators

Variation of training budget Actual vs Set

of eligible staff trained

Completion of corporate TNA

IDPs for UAE Nationals

Training Satisfaction

Development Plans for succession Planning


via http://ift.tt/19F1Uiv

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