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29 أبريل 2015

Language Instructor's Supervisor

About the Job

Key Responsibilities
Provides leadership and support to the Instructors'Directs and coordinates all instructors' affairsInstructors' supervision monitoring mentoring consultation and evaluationCurriculum developmentSupervise the instructors' evaluate lesson plans and observe classes on a regular basis to ensure the use of a variety of instructional strategies.Instructors' trainingFollow up with the instructors their adherence to the house rulesFollow up with Instructors' gradingResponsible for the daytoday management and operation of the classesMaintain the Instructors' monthly SchedulesWork in liaison with other members of staff to ensure a high level of student satisfactionMonitoring students' progress by visiting classrooms and by reviewing reports on students' attendance and performance through monthly report sheetAttending Final presentationMaintain good relationship and communication with other departments and support stuffInterview and hire new instructors' Demos and InterviewsCoordinates with the Coordination department opening needed classes and private sessionsTaking disciplinary action with instructors who don't follow the rules by deductions written and verbal warningsDirecting and Following up the whole cycle

Job Requirements

A Bachelorrsquos degree.Min. 3 years of experience in a similar position.Work well with people and have a very positive work attitude including willing to work some longer hours during peak periods.Aggressively anticipate impacts of workloadissues to team deadlinesStrong experience in Training and development.Proficiency in Microsoft Word Excel Outlook and PowerPoint.Strong organizational analytical and interpersonal skills.Strong verbal and written communication skills.Selfmotivated to learn new concepts and participate in new projectsKeywords LIS Instructor Education Teaching

Keywords Education Training Management Observers Supervisor Company Profile

Harvest British College for English language training along with the phenomenal department of the American Accent. Harvest British College is a training corporate registered at the General Authority for Investment and Free Zone as a Limited Liability Company LLC. Harvest is further an academic educational college certified and accredited by Cambridge Training College Britain in London. At our college we provide the incomparable methodology of learning English language as well as a large community of languagelearners from all levels initiating from the elementary till the advanced levels. Our Courses and diplomas are designed to be comprehensive and accessible so that our applicants wishing to gain immediate communication skills can quickly gain key grammatical concepts and conversational tools while a more academic accuracybased approach is also met through a systematic approach to learning English.

منApril 28, 2015 at 02:00AM وظائف مدرسين http://ift.tt/1DJRdDN

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