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1 أبريل 2015

Internal Control Process Protection Manager


Position is integral to the ongoing focus on Corporate Governance and Retail Profit Protection. It aims at

Improving Internal Controls and Corporate Governance of both HO amp Retail processes.Ensuring compliance of HO amp Retail processes with established internal control frameworks and best practices.Reducing Shrinkage Retail Losses via process improvement training awareness and where needed the investigation of internal or external theft.

Client Details

Our client is a Leading Group of Retail Outlets.


Critically and continually review and assess risk amp internal controls in HO and Retail stores processes using Area risk management amp internal controls best practices.In conjunction with Area conduct planned amp adhoc risk amp internal control assessments of all HO amp Retail stores processes. Report on results agree action plans deadlines and responsibilities with department Heads and ensure full implementation of audit findings.Ongoing maintenance of the company's policies and procedures and regular communication of the policies and procedures to staff.Test amp sign off new controls for HO amp Retail processes prior to implementation as directed by Area.Maintenance of the schedule of contracts and the schedule of guarantees.Investigate report and implement corrective actions for all internal external theft and fraud incidentsSupport on investigations highlighted from the Retail Operation team relating to missing stockshrinkage issues identified and ensure that Retail shrinkage is reported correctly and timely to Area.Be responsible for directing coaching advising and supporting the HO amp Retail teams in all aspects Corporate Governance and Profit Protection respectively.Work in close relation with Area and local management team to review improve and harmonise processes and update policies and controls accordingly.Training guidance and compliance testing on Health amp Safety Business Continuity within the MarketTravel as part of the AEM audit team conduct internal controls amp profit protection assessments of other subsidiaries within the area


Applicants should be currently holding the position of an audit SupervisorManager5 years of solid audit experience within Big 4s a mustMust be CIA or ACA qualifiedSolid experience in COSO implementationUniversity degree or tertiary educationProfit ProtectionLoss prevention qualification preferred

Experience of Risk management Security or Audit within Retail Industry ideally in apparelfashionshoes or FMCGInternal investigations experience preferableEffective communication and team work skillsFluency in English a must Arabic an advantageExposure Finance Investigations Retail Law enforcementTravel frequently amp easily in EM markets Most frequent travel to Egypt Lebanon and Jordan

Job Offer

A competitve rate in line with the market.


Internal Audit

via http://ift.tt/1aiXrTm

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