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30 يناير 2015

Budget amp Cost Controller

Responsible for Preparation and Control of Budget for Major projects and turnarounds. Monitors financial progress of projects turnarounds and computes direct indirect operating fixed and variable costs and compares such costs to budgets. Conduct variance analysis. Reports periodic budget performance to Management.

Detailed Tasks Activities

Develop Implement and update internal proceduresGuide lines for Budgeting and controlling for the group.

Develop a standard methodology to be used to track all spending39s related to various projects and turnaround.

Coordinate and compile the Departmentsections Budgets with respective Managers and Superintendents Project Engineers.

Conduct budget review meetings Prepare Management presentations and develop Budget preparation templates.

Prepare detailed Major Projects spending plans in consultation with TA superintendents Project engineer and Estimator.

WBS and Cost control codes creation and Budget allocation in SAP.

Issue budget calendars in line with the reporting requirements of various agreements Senior Management shareholder39s deadlines and BOD meetings.

Prepare Manpower Budget in coordination with all Department Managers and Senior Management.

Prepare and release Periodical cost analysis reports at different levels.

Coordinate periodical Budget reforecast meetings and update documents with reforecast data.

Carry out Project Service entries communicate with sections and finance.

Monitor contract cost status and contract completion date.

Coordinate and control the approval process in relation to project budgets and revisions.

Ensure that the Project Management activities are conducted with adequate cost savings cost control and efficiency.

Ensure that the Project Management activities are conducted with adequate cost savings cost control and efficiency.

Assist Project Team in monitoring of project issues and ensure action plans taken have adequately addressed those issues.

To ensure protection of the Company39

via http://ift.tt/1CHtm9T

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