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29 نوفمبر 2014

Safety Engineer Manager

Role Purpose

Assists in the development of methods for anticipating and predicting hazards unsafe acts and root causes of safety incidents from experience historical data incident investigations and other information sources.

Key Accountabilities

Assists the Leader Engineering amp New Technology Implementations in the development of methods to review entire systems processes and operations for failure modes causes and effects of the entire system process or operation and any subsystem or components.

Establishes and implements techniques which involve cost costbenefit analysis work sampling loss rate and similar methodologies for periodic and systematic evaluation of the safety system and hazard control program effectiveness. Assists in developing methods to evaluate the costs and effectiveness of hazard controls and safety system programs.

Conducts or assists in the development of and carries out research studies of existing or potential safety and issues.

Provides for management review the results of evaluation assessments including recommended adjustments and changes to safety system policies or hazard control programs.

Assists in directing and to developing audit programs which assess safety performance of the entire safety system and organizations processes or operations which are components of the system.


Ability to plan and carry out project work.

Strong conceptual thinking within a technical environment.

Ability to analyze and solve complex issues.

Excellent oral and written communication skills.

Knowledge of and experience in safety engineering field developing andor applying safety standards practices and programs including

1.Development of safety strategies

2.Risk analysis techniques

3.Root cause analysis

4.Statistical analysis



6.Research methods


Civil Engineering EM Engineering

via http://saudi.tanqeeb.com/jobs-in-saudi/jeddah/engineer/004192407.html

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