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29 سبتمبر 2014

Internal Auditor

• Assist in assessing the operation risks by reviewing amp evaluating the available internal procedures and supporting documents to ensure they provide an effective control system addresses identified risks using “WMGR” what may go wrong techniques.

• Conduct different risk assessment amp other audit field works procedures in different group locations with the assistant auditors under the supervision of senior auditor using CORPORATE AUDIT MANAGMENT SYSTEM “TEAMMATE”.

• Assist in auditing the compliance with operational rules amp regulations industrial standards.

• Mapping the recommending operational controls into the available ERP system. . Using the “teammate “Electronic papers to document amp gather evidential matters on audit works procedures given by the senior auditor.

• Heavily participate in the online followup system under senior auditor supervision.

• Actively participate in the wrapup meetings to discuss the Audit draft reports with Auditees to explain internal audit assertions.

• Implement under the senior auditor supervision the audit programs to assess the operational fraud risks.

• Participate in special audit assignments requested by the TOP management. . Assist to run his duties professionally and to implement all the required tasks in efficient amp effective manner within the time frame allocated.

• Provides input for preparation of annual audit plan and estimate resource needs.


Communication skills

Analytical Skills

Coordination skills

Negotiating skills

Ability to work under pressure

Degree in Business Accounting

5 7 years experience in a reputed organization in the area of internal audit especially in papers factories or other similar or related field

Conversant with IT systems and Excel PowerPoint and Word

Strong oral and written communication skills in English

via http://ift.tt/1qNlcCW

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