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Custom Search

27 يوليو 2014

Technical Interface Lead Engineer


Bombardier Transportation is the number one provider of rail solutions in the world. Our business holds the number one global market position in eight of the ten Our product portfolio includes a full range of passenger rail vehicles and we manufacture locomotives bogies propulsion and rail control solutions.

At Bombardier our employees work together to evolve mobility worldwide one good idea at a time. If you have a good idea we'll provide the environment where it will thrive and grow into a great product or customer experience. Your ideas are our fuel.

We are looking for a Technical Interface Lead Engineer

to be based in Riyadh Saudi Arabia

Purpose of the job

  • This position will serve as the continuous technical representative for the Riyadh Metro for the interface between BT's EampM scope ASTS and the civil scope of work provided by others.

  • The role requires good understanding of the Rolling Stock and its subsystems good communication skills and leadership skills. It involves interaction with different stakeholders especially the ClientConsultant ADARMTC.


    • Update the DCIM as required during design development and key decisions made with ASTS.

    • Follow up with PM activities and make sure Interface work is aligned with project schedule.

    • Follow up with vehicle data collection and verify consistency and integrity of data.

    • Follow up with documentation submissions and review of interface related documents either internal or from ASTS.

    • Facilitate interface work progress through BT and ASTS teams. This could require a light involvement in DOORS database.

    • Attend regular interface meetings between BT and ASTS and weekly meetings with ADARMTC and facilitate actions through publishing minutes of meeting and letters between BT ASTS and Civil Parties. Write correspondence to support the flow of information between Project Management and the client procurement and the suppliers and stakeholders within the company.



      • Engineering Degree or equivalent experience.

      • 510 years of relevant experience in rail industry.

      • Significant Civil and EampM Engineering experience.

      • Fluent in English.

      • Good organization and communications skills

      • Good Leadership skills.

        Why Work for Us?

        Everywhere we operate we reward effort and initiative.

        You are encouraged to ask questions and empowered to make decisions.

        As an equal opportunity employer we strive to create a stimulating and open workplace which fosters teamwork fairness respect and diversity.

        We thank more...


        via http://ift.tt/1q2GBcQ

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