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30 يوليو 2014

Fighter Aircraft Trg Manning Specialis

!!Fighter Aircraft Training amp Manning SpecialistnbspSalary £48161.21nbspReal Pride Real AdvantagenbspnbspJOB PURPOSEResponsible to the Tornado Section Manager within the Directorate of Technical Crew DoTC to provide day to day advice to RSAF Officers. Advise augment and assist in the planning development revision evaluation and monitoring of Tornado Aircraft Unit manning training and evaluation programmes.Evaluate training provided to RSAF personnel commissioned and enlisted and prepare evaluation reports for the DoTC. This includes but is not limited to the formal training delivered at TSI FTC’s as well as OJT delivered across the RSAF.Identify training needs and deficiencies within the RSAF training programmes and develop training solutions.nbspRECRUITMENTEssentialPossess a recognized teachinginstructor qualification certificate.The candidate is required to have classroom experience.Experience in training course design and development.Able to demonstrate a good understanding of the principles and concepts of training.Be thoroughly familiar with the conceptual application of OJT programmes.Proactive with the ability to work to tight deadlines.A good all round awareness of RSAF Tornado aircraft systems aircraft drawings aircraft maintenance logistics management statistical analytical and presentation techniques.Good written and verbal communication skills in the English language.Strong leadership qualities with proven interpersonal and team working skills.Computer literate and an experienced user of the Microsoft Office suite of programs Word Excel PowerPoint Access Project.DesirableExperience working within a military training organization.Experience managing formal training and OJT programmes.Experience instructing individuals for who English is a second language.A good all round awareness of RSAF processes and procedures.A good all round awareness of RSAF programmes Suppliers Government to Government Standard Agencies International Standards Agencies and academicresearch establishments.nbspRECRUITMENT SPECIFICATION HNCHND or relevant experience.Degree or relevant professional qualification e.g. BS BA MS Med CMIPD is desirable.The candidate must have extensive and proven experience within a training manning or evaluation environment preferably at a senior supervisory level.nbspJOB ACCOUNTABILITIESDevelop review and update DoTC training manning and evaluation directives.Provide advise on RSAF officer and enlisted formal training courses OJT programmes career development and manning.Advise DoTC staff on matters pertaining to both OJT and formal academic trainingevaluations and recommend corrective action for identified training program discrepancies.Evaluate and report on RSAF Officer Training Courses and Programmes.Evaluate and report on RSAF Enlisted Training Courses and OJT ProgrammesConduct Training Needs Analysis TNA to identify shortfalls in current training as well as identifying new training requirements.Develop training solutions to identified training deficiencies for both commissioned and enlisted personnel.Develop training solutions for both commissioned and enlisted personnel to address training needs caused by system changes.Conduct Staff Assistance Visits SAV to bases and Field Training Centres FTC when required.Prepare reports briefings and staff correspondence to organisations internal and external to the RSAF.Provide a primary point of contact for all RSAF logistics manning training and evaluation programmes.Support RSAF officers at meetings and participate in programme management reviews.Perform other related training duties as directed by the DoTC.nbspDECISION MAKING AUTHORITYThe jobholder provides independent advice to the RSAF in consultation with the BAE Systems Line Manager. The jobholder is in constant daily contact with the RSAF at a senior level within HQ RSAF and at all the RSAF bases providing them with a recognisable point of contact for all RSAF logistics manning training and evaluation programmesnbspPLANNINGORGANISINGThe jobholder is required to manage RSAF logistics manning training and evaluation programmes. A large proportion of time will be spent proactively planning and organising resources within the RSAF to ensure tasks are completed to meet project timescales which often are dependencies for other projects.The jobholder must plan for the involvement of other agencies from within the RSAF and its’ associated programmes.nbsp Responsive to RSAF inputs and requirements both immediate and long term is essential with the RSAF demanding the highest quality in all cases. The jobholder must rationalise all inputs and coordinate outputs to achieve maximum co‑operation and support.nbspREPORTING PREPARATIONThe jobholder will be required to compile collate and complete final reports on training and manpower.Verbal briefings and presentations on training and manpower will be given to the Director andor Team Managers on a daily basis.nbspEXPATRIATE EMPLOYEE BENEFITSIn return for the required high levels of commitment and hard work you will receive a competitive salary rent free accommodation food allowance and access to free recreation facilities all available within Company secured accommodation. In addition a generous leave and travel allowance makes this an opportunity not to be missed. On successfully securing a role yournbspappointment to Saudi Arabia will initially benbspon single status.nbspOn commencement of employment in Saudi Arabia you will have the opportunity to apply to have your family join you innbspthe future. A full health care scheme is provided within Saudi Arabia.nbspSAUDI NATIONAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITSIn return for the required high levels of commitment and hard work you more...


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