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نحن نعمل جاهدا على ان نختصر لك الطريق فى الوصول الى الوظيفة المنشوده التى تبحث عنها لذا قمنا بإنشاء محرك بحث خاص بالموقع مدعوم شركة جوجل للبحث فى جميع الوظائف التى يتم نشرها على الموقع لذا يمكنك وبكل سهولة الوصول الى وظيفة فى مجال عملك من هنا. إرشادات يمكنك اتباعها لتسهيل عملية البحث عن وظيفة - اكتب فى محرك البحث بالأسفل كلمات تدل على المجال الذى ترغب فيه الأمثلة بالاسفل هى مجرد امثلة للبحث يمكنك تعديلها او الاضافة عليها البحث عن طريق استخدام التخصص مثل: وظائف للمحاسبين وظائف للصيادلة البحث عن طريق إستخدام المكان: وظائف فى فنادق وظائف شاغرة فى دبى وظائف فى بنوك وظائف فى شركة اتصالات وظائف فى السفارة الأمريكية أبحث عن وظيفة فى مجالك بإستخدام صندوق البحث بالأسفل

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29 يونيو 2014

Unconventional Drilling Specialist

Job Description Job Description


Advises monitors and guides the offshore and onshore Undeveloped unconventional Gas Reservoir drilling activities and operations to ensure that all activities and operations are done in conformity with ADNOC policy by reviews and endorsing the wells applications for all different types of wells. Supervises and monitors the drilling operations and safety performance.


a Initiates and follows up as necessary on the drilling and reentry activities in addition to relevant petroleum engineering studies to be carried out by consultants or operating companies correlates results and interprets findings in terms of action and decision as required.

b Advises on and supervises the drilling planning strategies for the undeveloped gas reservoirs gas drilling exploration projects. Also provides advice on well design and unconventional drilling techniques.

c Supervises and monitors ADNOC undeveloped gas reservoirs appraisal operations and participates in tasks force teams with Operating Companies.

d Initiates develops and follows up on procedures to monitor offshore and onshore gas reservoir development drilling and reentry operations performance ensuring that the activities are performed according to ADNOC objectives and interests.

e Evaluates new drilling technologies and best practices by attending the international conferences andor benchmarking and manages the transfer of such technology and practices to Operating Companies. Reviews results and makes appropriate recommendations accordingly.

f Reviews the short medium and the long term business plans to ensure conformity with drilling requirements.

g Develops discusses and agrees with Operating Companies the establishment of performance indicators KPI and short and long term targets for performance management purposes concerning drilling and reentry operation.

h Participates in Operating Companies Technical Committee Meetings and Drilling Well Integrity Sub Committee Meetings and advises on drilling related issues. Participates in supervising cost control and in preparing annual budget for ADNOC undeveloped gas reservoirs operations.

i Initiates and coordinates the organization of workshops meetings taskforces etc. to address the challenging Deep gas reservoirs drilling and HSE issues evaluates the outcomes to be implemented to solve the issues.

j Monitors and supervises the HSE performance of Operating Companies to ensure that the safety and environmental performance is given the highest priority during all phases of drilling and completion.

k Performs other similar duties as assigned by supervisor.


3.1 Daily contacts with members in Undeveloped Gas Reservoir Department and Exploration Division.

3.2 Frequent contacts with other EampP Divisions in respect of drilling operations.

3.3 Frequent contacts with Operating Companies drilling staff to discuss the daily operations.


4.1 Reports to Undeveloped Gas Reservoir Department Manager.

4.2 Works in accordance with ADNOC general directives policies and specialized professional standards.

4.3 Exercise own initiatives for technical discussions and reviews.

4.4 Refers main issues to supervisor. Work accomplishments are subject to general review by Department Manager.Skills


8.1 B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering or equivalent.

ltphone number removedgt yearsrsquo related experience in drillingworkover operation and petroleum engineering computer application activities including field and office in EampP Sector. Experience in Drilling and Workover data and studies is preferred.

8.3 Extensive experience in process drilling and mechanical systems and equipment used in oil fields.

8.4 Competency in English l more...


via http://ift.tt/1nVqcWz

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