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Custom Search

29 يونيو 2014

Offshore Drilling Supervisor

Job Description

Job Description

Basic Function and Scope

Directs and controls all activities related to drilling completion and work over operations carried out by contractorsservice companies on assigned drill sites.

Directs and supervises the implementation of various operational programs including proposing and executing management of change to approved programs in response to changing operational parameters.

Ensures adherence to the Company's Health Safety amp Environmental Protection policies and safety management system as applicable to drill site operation.

Monitors all supply activities of Company materials and equipment to ensure economic and cost effective utilization

Task Duties and accountabilities

Drilling Operations

Plans and supervises the execution of all drilling department operational programs at the assigned drill site covering drilling work over well completion and related activities of contractors andor services companies

Joint ownership of the drilling program with the Drilling Engineer translating into operational activities and conducts detailed observation and inspection of contractors activities on site

Reviews Programs in light of work progress proposes and implements management of change to approved programs in light of unforeseen operations requirements

Ensures that opportunities for improvement are identified and acted upon

Person in Charge of all simultaneous operations concerning the Drill Site being supervised unless otherwise designated in writing by the Sr. Drilling Operations Manager

Communicates as necessary with Sr. Drilling Operations Manager and Drilling Department Engineers on Daily reports operational updates issues and management of change to program

Supervises operational performance of ContractorService company personnel involved in the provision of technical servicesoperations at the drill

Monitors execution of drilling programs reviews and reports on progress arranges administrative support such as accommodation and transportation of personnel and equipment

Investigates required supplies orders and materialsequipment from Company stores and occasionally requests manufacturingprocurement of other requirements such as crossovers etc. to carry out the drilling program

Controls and ensures the economic consumption and safe utilization of Company supplied materials and equipment at the drill site

Ensures safe return of equipment and surplus materials to Company's stores upon completion of related operations

On Scene Commander for emergency response in drill site related activities


Prepares the daily operations report including daily recording and tracking of drill site operating cost and supplies

Holds daily and prejob meetings with concerned contractorservice companies personnel to highlight operational planning and hazard awareness

Liaises with designated Construction or Production person for site handover at the beginning or end of Drilling Department activities at each location

Person in Charge in all emergencies encountered during operations at drill site or during related Rig moves as per Company established policy

HSE Role

Ensures compliance to HSE policies at the drill site and site related facilities such as

Rig Camp

Reports and investigates incidents and participates in making necessary recommendations for improvement

Ensures that safety equipment and systems are maintained in efficient operating condition

Ensures that contractors are fully aware and adhere to all Company's procedures policies and standards


Carries out planned inspection and self auditing to ensure operations and equipment are properly maintained

Conducts group safety meeting for contractors key personnel on the rig

Conducts emergency drills and exercises at the drill site

Maintains an Action Opportunities Log complete with assigned parties and closure dates. Records and shares lessons learnt

Subsidiary Activities

Performs other related duties as assigned by Supervisor such as checking and approving job tickets participating in contractor performance reviews or performing site visits to contractors facilities for inspections

Work Contact

Frequent contacts with concerned Division Engineers Petroleum and Drilling Engineers for coordination to maintain efficient Drill Site operations

Frequent contacts with ContractorService Companies personnel up to Engineer's Level to discuss matters related to operational programs work progress encountered problems etc..

Occasional contacts with Commercial Division up to Senior Stores Supervisor to coordinate

required materialsequipment

Completed work is subject to general review by Supervisor

Communicates as necessary with Supervisor and Drilling Department Engineers on project related issues and change

Leads andor participates in well site meetings such as but not limited to General Safety meetings Daily pre tour safety meetings Pre job safety and operational meetings Daily planning meetings with Drill Site ContractorService Company Supervisors etc.

Minimum Requirement

A Diploma I Degree I Certificate in Mechanical I Petroleum Engineering from an accredited universityinstitution or demonstrated relevant industry experience with a minimum of 12 years of relevant Oil and Gas Industry experience

Has clearly demonstrated exposures in onshore drilling operations

Has operated effectively in a multicultural environment preferably in the Middle Eas more...


via http://ift.tt/1iKcA3i

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