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2 مايو 2014

Upstream Corrosion Specialist


Upstream Corrosion Specialist

When yoursquore not bringing your knowledge and consulting expertise to some of the energy industryrsquos biggest and most technically advanced projects yoursquoll discover there are plenty of other things to keep you occupied at Saudi Aramco.

As a global leader in the energy industry thatrsquos now expanding into petrochemicals and downstream we have the resources to cater to your every need. So whether you want to progress your career on complex and varied projects or explore a wealth of leisure activities outside of work ndash on your own with colleagues or family ndash at Saudi Aramco you can do it all.

Duties and Responsibilities

Provide consultations to Saudi Aramco field operations in all aspects of corrosion engineeringProvide technical support to upstream operating facilities upstream capital projects standards technology deployment and talent developmentDevelopupdate company corrosion standards specifications procedures and best practices.

Minimum Requirements

You will have a Bachelorrsquos degree in chemical engineering or related engineering degree from an accredited university. You will also have significant experience related to corrosio more...


via http://ift.tt/SggVzh

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